{S:X;X;0;3;This part describes the conventions that I will be using in the text of ZLineWord. They will generally follow that of the WordzUser Guide to maintain consistency. }
{S:X;X;0;4;Actions which you are required to make will be in Trinity Italic, thus type means enter from the keyboard.}
{S:X;X;0;5;01.01{ITT-X} Mouse Operations}
{S:X;X;0;6;Mouse operations follow the standard RISC OS practices and these are:-}
{S:X;X;0;7;Select {ITT-X}Position the mouse pointer as directed in the text and click the left hand mouse {ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITR-X}{ITT-X}button, click and select are used synonymously. }
{S:X;X;0;8;{ITT-X} Double click select, or simply {ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X} double click on, is click the left hand {ITR-X}{ITT-X}mouse {ITT-X}button twice in rapid succession.}
{S:X;X;0;9;Adjust {ITT-X}Similar to Select but use the right hand mouse button, click adjust.}
{S:X;X;0;10;Menu{ITT-X}Click the centre mouse button to obtain the Wordz main menu, you then slide the {ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITT-X}{ITR-X}{ITT-X}pointer off along the arrows in this to get the appropriate sub-menu.}
{S:X;X;0;11;Dragging{ITT-X}Hold down the select button of the mouse whilst moving the mouse.}
{S:X;X;0;12;Caret{ITT-X}The red I like icon which marks the insertion point for text, it is moved by text {ITR-X}{ITT-X}entry, scrolling the window or by moving the pointer to the required place and{ITR-X}{ITT-X}clicking (select).}
{S:X;X;0;14;Menu commands which are to be selected, viz. position the mouse pointer on the required command in the menu as directed and click select, will be indicated in the text by Bold Trinity text, the relevant sub-menu in which the command is to be found will be indicated in normal text in parenthesis, thus (Edit). Similarly action buttons will also be indicated by Bold Trinity text, eg. B for the emboldening action button in the button bar or OK in a dialogue box.}
{S:X;X;0;15;01.03 {ITT-X}Text Entry}
{S:X;X;0;16;Text which you are required to enter into a document or a dialogue box will be in the Corpus font, thus, for example, type the entry this is text entered as part of an exercise. A file name which is to be entered will be in Corpus italics, thus, for example, enter the file name Ex20/1. In the text this file will then be identified as [Ex20/1]. }
{S:X;X;0;17;01.04{ITT-X}Keyboard operations}
{S:X;X;0;18;Keys which are to be used will be enclosed by angle brackets thus <Return>. Tap means press and immediately release. Press means press and hold down whilst an associated keys are tapped, for example Press <Ctrl-X>, means press and hold down the control key then tap the X key before releasing the control key}
{S:X;X;0;19;Function keys will be indicated by their labels in angle brackets, thus <F3>.}
{S:X;X;0;21;Illustration figure numbers will consist of two parts, the first being the section's number, that is the numeric part of the directory name, and the second the illustration number, for example, the second illustration in section 3 (in ZLineWord3) will be Figure 03/02. }